by Kathleen Toffler issue: Manhattan World of Little Murders
New York City, World City, City of many a story. Word is, a place of...mayhem. Or at least before Guiliani time and 1990's money money money. In fact, statistics have murder and car thefts waaay down from previous years. Some, a few, have espressed (double shot) a faint nostaslgia for the more, subway graffitti days. So this issue is for the old days, the days as reported in the Jules Fieffer play, 'Little Murders' with Eliot Gould and Alan Arkin. Muggings, snipers, apathy. Time to put up the bullet-proof shutters and hide-away....Of course, a good therpaist will help..though one would have to return to a more, slam-bang cocktail type of 1950's for the headshrink height. Think James Thurber, John Campbell, L.Ron Hubbard....Nowdays we know it is all chemical reactions anyway. So read on, and travel back to .. When The Apple was King!! |