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Who Was (Is?) Dave Rabbit? - Horror

by: J. William Snyder, jr.

(c) Will Snyder

Who Was (Is?) Dave Rabbit?

According to legend, Dave Rabbit (or possibly Dave Rabbitt) was an Air Force sergeant who remained in South Vietnam for about a year after his one year hitch to blast "Hard Acid Rock Music To Blow [People's] Mind[s] With" and fuel the Vietnam counterculture that coarsed through the ranks of disenchanted U.S. service men and women in the later years of the Vietnam War. Beyond that, not much is known about the elusive and charismatic Dave Rabbit who still had legions of followers some thirty years after his reign.

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Many visitors to this page over the years have written me either to inquire about who Dave was or is, or to suggest who he might be. Unfortunately, to date, no one has been able to identify Dave's true identity. However, several candidates have been suggested:

  • Rabbett (a.k.a. Roger Abbett) of Internet Radio Hawaii. I emailed Mr. Abbett and asked him if he was Dave Rabbit, and he replied that he was not. Also, according to his resume, he was in college from 1971 to 1977, thus making it highly unlikely that was also in Vietnam at the same time.

  • Art Bell: It has also been suggested syndicated radio host and government conspiracy theorist is Dave Rabbit. Indeed, he has some pirate radio experience in his past. According to his personal history, he and a sidekick ran a pirate radio station on Amarillo Air Force base where he was stationed. He certainly has the personality to have been Dave Rabbit, However, Amarillo is a long way from Tan San Nhut AFB, so I doubt that he is Dave. I dropped an email to the address on his web site asking if he is Dave, but he never replied.

  • Pat Sajak, the Vietnam-era in-country DJ and long-time host of TV's Wheel of Fortune has been rumored to be Dave. I have not explored this possibility, but I also doubt he would be Dave Rabbit because of his notoriety in legitimate radio broadcasting during the war.

This is the extent of my information on who Dave is or might be. In all likelihood, Dave is to remain forever anonymous and will continue to be the subject of legends and speculation.
If you have any information on who Dave might be, please contact Mark Matthews, who is the "Designated Dave Hunter."
copyright Will Snyder (
Last updated: June 30, 2002

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