The Black Rose by Teodros Kiros "Who's
world is it, today?"...
Voluptuous Afflictions by Michelle Dazio "A surreal exploration into the heart and psyche of a young woman"...
Issue #8 Winter 01
Issue #8 Winter 01
Over many years, Andreas developed the
of navigating through cities on foot. In his early twenties, he
covered the city of
Frankfurt in one bitter cold, winter day. He
traversed through the long Mediterranean
coast of Beirut in three
long hours of unbearable... - from The Black Rose
Fracturization x10 It became apparent to me the other day when i was applying a small american flag to my car that there were some serious problems somewhere out there. For one thing, the glue which had been used to affix the flag to the small wooden dowell had become unsticky. Looking closer, i realized the flag had been manufactured in some small third world country. Just what, exactly, is going on? Where does our national heart come from? From the flag that I eventual was able to place on my car with ducktape( the yellow colored variety I bought at a piggledy wiggly store) to the many flags flying on all the other trucks, i realized that we are, in our collective hearts, all third world countries......
Other Mental Issues: