"Stanislaus I. Skoda"
Stanislaus I. Skoda is of Czech-American descent. A native of Maine, he has spent 5 years living in the Czech Republic, where he was editor of the brief, 'Bobik' Magazine of Czech and Expatriate Speculative Writing. He has a penchant for inter-war Eastern European writers such as Witkiewicz, Schulz, Gombrowicz and Capeck. His stories of postpoppulpish horror delve into the minds of insanely passive subjects, whose impassivity is a direct result of current, modern techno-times. Whereabouts currently unknown, he communicates from internet cafes and via handmade postcards. Skoda has written many short stories appearing in the electronic pages of PostPopPulp past and Future, including Academy of Terror Kingdom Veni Kingdom Zombie Dogs! Bibliography for Stanislaus I. Skoda
Post Pop Pulp Stories by Stanislaus I. Skoda